Friday, September 6, 2019

Composition of an Abstract Landscape

Some people can work intuitively, but I need a plan.  I sketched a row of trees across the horizon.  What I wanted was to use this band of trees to divide the space into three uneven spaces.  The band of trees is the smallest, followed by the sky and then the ground is largest.  The band of trees contains the darkest values and most intense colors.  I sketch the shapes using a middle value gray.

I chose a limited palatte of cerulean blue, paynes gray, yellow ochre and white.   All of my colors were mixtures of these three colors, which provides an analagous color scheme.  That is, colors adjacent on the color wheel -yellow, blue- and green.  I established the dark shapes by loosely brushing these colors together without blending them too much.  After that I add white to the same colors and place in the sky with a knife.

I fill in the rest of the ground area still using the same color, only a little darker than the sky using a brush and a knife.  After this I decide to get a little more variety by adding some light orange and some light magents.
This is for sale at dailypaintworks.
This is a link to my painting tutorials at gumroad.   I have one for $10 on sunflowers.  Thirty-three minutes with step-by-step instructions.

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